Questions and answers on the electoral comissions
Who watches over the transparency and objectivity of the election process?
The Electoral Commission of Catalonia, established as an independent and impartial body ascribed to the Parliament de Catalunya, is responsible for guaranteeing transparency and objectivity of the election process, and the effective voting rights, throughout Catalonia.
Who makes up the electoral administration?
The electoral administration is made up of the Electoral Commission of Catalonia, the local electoral commissions, the polling points and the electoral administration of the Government of Catalonia.
The electoral commissions and the polling point officers are independent and do not follow instructions, orders or resolutions from any other institution, except those addressed by the electoral administration and the electoral commissions to the poling points, and those of the Electoral Comimssion of Catalonia addressing the local electoral commissions.
Further information:
- Chapters VI & VII of the Law on the Referendum on Self Determination.
Electoral Commission of Catalonia
Guaranteeing voters’ rights
What is it?
Make up
The Electoral Commission of Catalonia is an independent, impartial body, ascribed to the Parliament of Catalonia, where it is based.
The Commission, created by Law 19/2017, of the 6th September, on the Referendum on Self Determination , forms part of the Electoral Administration, together with the local electoral commissions, the polling points an the Electoral Administration of the Government of Catalonia.
The mission of the Electoral Commission of Catalonia is to guarantee throughout the territory of Catalonia, the transparency and objectivity of the electoral process, and the effective exercise of electoral rights.
The Electoral Commission of Catalonia is made up of five prominent members of the barand political scientists with expertise in electoral processes, appointed by the Parliament of Catalonia by absolute majority. It also has two substitutes.
The members of the Commission are unchangeable and those who are to assume the roles of Chair and Secretary areelected among themselves. Theymay also designate other posts and complementary regulations for its appropriate organisation and operation. The Chair of the Commissionis known as the Electoral Commissioner of Catalonia (Síndic Electoral de Catalunya)
- Jordi Matas i Dalmases, Chair
- Marta Alsina i Conesa, Deputy Chair
- Marc Marsal i Ferret, Secretary
- Josep Pagès i Massó, Member
- Tània Verge i Mestre, Member
- Josep Costa i Rosselló, First Substitute
- Eva Labarta i Ferrer, Second Substitute
- Appointment of the Members
- Designation of the Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary
What does it do?
Per tal de garantir la transparència i objectivitat del procés i l’exercici efectiu dels drets electorals, la Sindicatura Electoral de Catalunya:
In order to guarantee the transparency and objectivity of the process and the effective exercise of electoral rights, the Electoral Commission of Catalonia shall:
- Validate the electoral roll
- Validate the election map is up to date (sections and polling points)
- Validate the official models of ballot papers, voting envelopes, electoral minutes, operational manuals for polling points, polling stations and all official electoral documents
- Validate the voting procedure for voters residing abroad
- Appoint, guide and coordinate the local electoral commissions
- Resolve queries, complaints, protests and appeals concerning its jurisdiction
- Exercise disciplinary jurisdiction over all those persons intervening officially in the referendum
- Supervise the institutional campaign on the referendum on self-determination and publication in the media
- Oversee the conditions of impartiality and pluralism of the media during the election campaign
- Accredit international election observers
- Perform the general scrutiny
- Certify the official election results and orders their official publication
- Perform those activities entrusted to it by Law 19/2017, of 6th September, on the referendum on self-determination and the applicable regulations
Duty of cooperation
All public authorities, within the scope of their respective responsibilities, have the duty to cooperate with the Electoral Commission of Catalonia for the proper fulfillment of its functions..
The Electoral Office of Catalonia may call for the counsel of the representatives of the administrations and bodies involved in the electoral process and, in general, of technicians and experts.
It may also require them to participate in its meetings, with voice but without vote.
Political parties, federations, coalitions
Interested organisations
Requests for participation in the
Public service slots for the campaign:
General queries:
International election observers
Queries, observations and recommendations
International guest organisations:
Holders of subjective rights and legitimate interests
Appeals: recursos@referè
Local electoral commissions
Members of the local electoral commissions
Resolució 4/2017, de 8 de setembre, per la qual es dona publicitat a l’acord de la Sindicatura Electoral de Catalunya pel qual es nomenen els vocals titulars de les sindicatures electorals de les demarcacions d’Aran, Barcelona, Girona, Lleida i Tarragona
La Llei 19/2017, de 6 de setembre, del referèndum d’autodeterminació, atribueix a la Sindicatura Electoral de Catalunya el nomenament dels membres de les sindicatures electorals de demarcació i la designació de llurs presidents i secretaris.
D’acord amb les previsions de la Llei 19/2017, de 6 de setembre, relatives a la composició de les sindicatures electorals de demarcació, al nombre de vocals i a la seva titulació i expertesa, la Sindicatura Electoral de Catalunya ha acordat nomenar les persones següents com a vocals titulars de les sindicatures electorals de demarcació, en la qualitat que s’especifica en cada cas.
Per tot això,
Primer. Donar publicitat a l’Acord de la Sindicatura Electoral de Catalunya pel qual es nomenen les persones que s’esmenten a continuació com a vocals titulars de les sindicatures electorals de demarcació.
Sindicatura Electoral de l’Aran
- Maria Carme Vilanova Ramon, presidenta
- Vicens Bitrià Àguila, vocal
- Armand Simon Llanes, secretari
Sindicatura Electoral de Barcelona
- Roc Fuentes i Navarro, president
- Susana Romero Soriano, vocal
- Antoni Fitó i Baucells, secretari
Sindicatura Electoral de Girona
- Jordi Casadevall Fusté, president
- Josep Maria Llistosella i Vila, vocal
- Jordi Díaz Comas, secretari
Sindicatura Electoral de Lleida
- Mariona Lladonosa Latorre, presidenta
- Alexandre Sàrraga Gómez, vocal
- Simeó Miquel Roé, secretari
Sindicatura Electoral de Tarragona
- Xavier Faura i Sanmartin, president
- Montserrat Aumatell i Arnau, vocal
- Marta Cassany i Virgili, secretària
Segon. Disposar la publicació del nomenament en el Butlletí Oficial del Parlament de Catalunya i en el Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Barcelona, 8 de setembre de 2017